On 20th November 2023, Don Bosco Tech Centre Srinagar organized a captivating guest lecture for Sales Associate Batch-06 (230645) trainees. Mr. Sameer Mir, Regional Sales Manager at Dabur Pvt. Ltd., shared his extensive experience of over 10 years in various sales sectors, including a stint as a Quality Head. He began by creating a comfortable atmosphere with the trainees, establishing a rapport before delving into the essence of sales skills training and its pivotal role in shaping successful careers. During the lecture, Mr. Sameer elucidated the dynamic nature of the sales sector, highlighting its evolution over the years and the vast career prospects it offers across multiple industries. He painted a vivid picture of the sector's growth, particularly emphasizing its impact on the sales and service quality of products in Jammu & Kashmir, showcasing its rapid advancement in recent times.

Mr. Sameer's interactive approach included mock role-plays, where he engaged the trainees in practical customer handling scenarios. Through these exercises, he imparted invaluable techniques for effective customer management and communication strategies essential for success in sales roles. He stressed the significance of good communication skills in capturing and retaining customer attention, underscoring their role in driving sales performance.

The session concluded on an engaging note with a question-answer segment, allowing trainees to clarify doubts and further enrich their understanding of sales concepts. Overall, Mr. Sameer's insightful lecture not only provided a glimpse into the vast opportunities within the sales sector but also equipped the trainees with practical skills and knowledge essential for their career growth in this dynamic field.